


The Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Expectancy of Success, Academic Task Value, and Motivational Regulation Strategies of Senior High School Students




李旻樺(Min-Hua Lee);林清文(Chin-Wen Lin)


自我效能 ; 成功期望 ; 動機調整策略 ; 學習任務價值 ; self-efficacy ; expectancy for success ; motivational regulation strategies ; academic task value




14期(2003 / 09 / 01)


117 - 145




本研究旨在了解高中學生的動機信念與動機調整策略,進而探討自我效能、成功期望與學習任務價值第三個動機信念與動機調整策略之間的相關情形。研究對象為1,000位高中學生,根據受試者在「動機調整策略量表」、「自我效能量表」、「成功期望量表」、「學習任務價值量表」的得分進行統計分析。 研究結果發現: 一、高中學生廣泛使用種動機調整策略以維持學習動機。其中高三學生會運用更多的動機調整策略,而女生較常使用「精熟興趣提升」和「學習情境與資源安排」兩種動機調整策略。 二、高中學生具有中等以上的自我效能、成功期望以及學習任價值,而高三學生又高於高一、高二學生。 三、高中學生的自我效能、成功期望與學習任價值具有關連性。 四、自我效能、成功期望、學習任務價值等動機信念高的高中學生較傾向使用「進取型」動機調整策略;動機信念低的學生也會使用「保守型」動機調整策略。 本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出各項建議供輔導實務與未來研究之參考。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the motivational beliefs and motivational regulation strategies of senior high school students, and to explore the relationships among self-efficacy, expectancy for success, academic task value, and motivational regulation strategies. 1,000 senior high school students completed the Motivational Regulation Strategy Scale, the Self-Efficacy Scale, the Expectancy for success Scale, and the Academic Task Value Scale. The data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, ANOVA, t-test, MANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and canonical correlation. The conclusions of the study were as follows: 一、Senior high school students would make use of the five motivational regulation strategies to maintain their persistence at academic tasks. The senior high school students of the third grade would use more academic motivational regulation strategies among three grades in the study. Female students were more likely to report that they would increase their level of motivation by relying on “mastery goal and intrinsic interest promotion” and “environment and resource management”. 二、Senior high school students have medium-high self-efficacy, expectancy for success, and academic task value. Grade differences were found in students’ self-efficacy, expectancy for success, and academic task value. 三、Correlations among students’ self-efficacy, expectancy for success, and academic task value were found significant. 四、The students who had higher self-efficacy, expectancy for success, and academic task value tend to use “aggressive” motivational regulation strategies. And those who had lower motivation beliefs tend to use “conservative” self-control regulation strategies. Based on the above results, discussions and implications were provided for practice of counseling and future research.

主题分类 生物農學 > 生物農學綜合
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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