


Gender Differences in Factors Affecting Mental Health of College Freshmen




許崇憲(Chong-Shiann Hsu)


大學新生 ; 心理健康 ; 性別差異 ; college freshman ; gender difference ; mental health




23期(2008 / 03 / 01)


45 - 80






This study aimed to explore the gender differences in mental health of college freshman and the factors affecting it. The sample consisted of 16,198 freshmen from Technological and 20,299 from General Universities. Correlation analysis was performed on the basis of factor scores, and regression analysis was conducted by means of LISREL. It was found that female freshmen showed more psycho-physiological problems than males, and that male freshmen showed more problems related to social contact than females. Academic performance in senior high school, low-level competency in computer use, and parent-child relationships contributed positively to freshman mental health. The impact of family on major decisions predicted freshman mental health negatively. The following variables affected freshman mental health related to genders: teaching methods adopted by senior high school teachers, habits of reading newspaper and magazines, and living with family. Finally, counseling practices and further research were suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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