


Power Issues in Counseling Supervisory Relationship: Supervisees' Perspective




蔡曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Tsai);郭麗安(Li-An Kuo);楊明磊(Ming-Lei Yang)


督導關係 ; 諮商督導 ; 權力 ; counseling supervision ; power relationship ; supervisory relationship




27期(2010 / 03 / 01)


39 - 77






The study aimed to explore the power experience in counseling supervisory relationship from supervisees' perspectives. We interviewed three female and two male supervisees. The result showed that supervisees perceived powers of their supervisors emanating from the following sources: role and status, supervisees' projections of his/her emotions, supervisors' dominant knowledge of rules, frustration and suffering of the supervisees, the degree of supervisees' identification with supervisors, abilities deriving from supervisors' empowerment, the interaction of role and gender, and supervisors' analyses and interpretation of supervisees' behavior. The findings describe eight types of interaction in both negative and positive aspects of power experience, and seven types of supervisees' novel awareness of power after the interview. Finally, suggestions for supervision practice and further studies were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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