


Undergraduate Students' Attitudes towards and Knowledge of Air Pollution




謝百淇(Paichi Pat Shein);曾靜雯(Ching-Wen Tseng);陳繼成(Chi-Chen Chen);吳景達(Ching-Ta Wu)


自然連結性 ; 空氣污染 ; 風險論點 ; 細懸浮微粒 ; 環境議題 ; connectedness to nature ; air pollution ; risk argument ; particulate matter 2.5 ; environmental issues




14卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


57 - 90






Air pollution has become an important environmental issue globally. This study aimed to investigate how factors such as gender, health condition, connectedness to nature and well-being relate to risk argument, support for air pollution intervention measures and knowledge of PM_(2.5). The survey data were collected from 233 undergraduate students from various academic disciplines and analyzed using t-test analysis. The findings showed that male students are more likely to take on the "precautionary" argument than female students. Students with more connection to nature tend to take on the "precautionary" and the "pros and cons" arguments, and are more supportive of air pollution intervention measures. Those with less connection tend to take on the "relative risk" and "the small risk" arguments. The significant relationship found between risk arguments and connectedness to nature urge researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers in education and environmental policy to consider nature relatedness as means to cultivate particular orientations of risk argument towards socio-scientific issues related to the environment.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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