


The Influence of Target Organizations on Co-opetition Organizations in Different Coopetition Relations: A Case Study of Co-opetition Organization of Nature Center of Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan




張鐘賓(Chung-Pin Chang);李晶(Ching Li);劉松達(Sung-Ta Liu);朱懿千(Yi-Chien Chu);蔡育唐(Yu-Tang Tsai)


PDCA模式 ; 組織效能 ; 組織競合 ; 價值網 ; 標竿學習 ; PDCA model ; organizational effectiveness ; organizational co-opetition ; value net ; benchmarking




15卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 52




隨著國人環保意識的提升,環境教育正迅速發展中,而環境教育組織之間的競爭與合作行為亦越來越頻繁。本研究目的欲透過臺灣的環境教育組織視角瞭解林務局自然教育中心的組織效能,藉此瞭解林務局自然教育中心在其競合關係中所扮演的角色,並探討林務局自然教育中心對其競合組織的影響性。本研究經由價值網(value net)定義競合關係之意涵,並運用標竿學習(benchmarking)之概念探討林務局自然教育中心在各種競合關係中對其他環境教育提供者之影響性。本研究以問卷方式調查林務局自然教育中心之競合組織,調查對象為合格的環境教育認證場所、環保署核准成立之環境保護財團法人、環保署為主要目的事業主管機關之社團法人與相關機構、與各縣市政府核可之環境保護與環境教育團體之推薦代表者。本研究透過界定母體範圍1102個組織單位進行配額抽樣,並以電子郵件邀請目標組織推薦代表者填寫網路問卷,及實際拜訪目標組織進行實體問卷填寫。本研究共計收到186份有效問卷,透過交叉分配表瞭解林務局自然教育中心在其競合關係中所扮演的角色,以皮爾森積差相關分析與典型相關分析探討其對競合組織的影響性。本研究結果為:(一)多數受訪者認為自身組織為林務局自然教育中心的互補者;(二)透過瞭解林務局自然教育中心能夠幫助所有競合組織提升內部組織能量與設定目標;對競爭者之影響著重在組織改善、組織人際關係與目標設定;對互補者的影響著重在組織成員效能。本研究建議:(一)環境教育組織應與林務局自然教育中心保持合作,維持知識相互流通;(二)環境教育組織須清楚定義自身組織與林務局教育中心的競合關係;(三)建議未來透過質性研究以完整環境教育組織的競合關係與組織效能之研究。


In recent years, the awareness of environmental protection has been rising, and the market of environmental education has become increasingly competitive. With the enactment of the Environmental Education Act and related regulations, the expansion of the environmental education organizations has accelerated gradually. This study discussed the co-opetition relationship between the Forestry Bureau Nature Center (NC) and the environmental education organizations of Taiwan. The purposes were to understand the organizational effectiveness of the NC and to discuss the role and influence of the NC on the environmental education organizations of Taiwan. The study defined co-opetition relationship through the value net, and adopted the concept of "benchmarking" to examine the influence of NC on other environmental education providers in various co-opetition relationships. The study surveyed the co-opetition organization of the NC from July 1 to August 31, 2017. The survey targeted certified environmental education facilities, environmental protection foundations approved by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), juridical associations cooperated with EPA and other related groups, as well as representative groups approved by the local governments. Quota sampling was conducted on the population of 1,102 units. The representatives recommended by the target organizations were invited to fill out the online questionnaires through e-mail and in-person visits. A total of 186 questionnaires were obtained, excluding two which were invalid. Bivariate table has been applied to understand the role which the NC plays in its co-opetition relationships, and the impacts of the NC on its co-opetition organizations based on Pearson product-moment correlation and canonical correlation analysis have been explored. The results showed that: (1) most of the respondents believed that their organizations were complementary to the NC; (2) by understanding the effectiveness of the NC, all co-opetition organizations improved their internal energy and the ability of goals setting. The impacts on competitors were the organizational improvements, the interpersonal relationships and the goal setting; whereas, the complementors improved their organizational morale and personnel management. This study suggests that (1) environmental education organizations should maintain cooperation with the NC to enhance their knowledge and technology exchange; (2) the organizations need to clearly define the co-opetition relationship with the NC, so that the complementors or competitors can apply the corresponding effect to improve their organization effectiveness; and (3) qualitative researches could be executed in the future to complete the study on the organizational co-opetition and effectiveness among the environmental education organizations.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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