


Explore the Psychological Process of Service Sellers Facing Emotion Labor: Perspective of Resource Conservation


蕭婉鎔(Wan-Jung Hsiao)


情緒勞動 ; 情緒耗竭 ; 資源保存理論 ; 情緒智力 ; 難應付客戶 ; Emotional Labor ; Emotional Exhaustion ; Conservation of Resource Theory ; Emotional Intelligence ; Encounter Difficult Customers




11卷1期(2013 / 04 / 01)


27 - 53






In service economy, service sellers have to regulate emotions at work, with positive emotional displays leading to greater customer satisfaction and thus engage in emotional labor. The presence of display rules necessitates an emotional regulation process, modifying internal affect so that it matches with outward expressions. The present study adopted the theoretical perspective of conservation of resource (COR). Resource gain (e.g. emotional labor, difficult customer) and resource loss (e.g. EQ, supervisor support, motivation system) were conceptualized as antecedents and moderators of emotion exhaustion. Analyses revealed that: (1) frequency of encounter difficult customers had significantly and positively effect on emotional labor; (2) higher level of emotional labor was likely to increase higher level of emotional exhaustion, (3) emotional labor had partial mediating effect on the relationship between frequency of encountering difficult customers and emotional exhaustion; (4) EQ moderated the relationship between frequency of encountering difficult customers and emotional labor. Moderator of supervisor support and motivation system had non-significant effect on the relationship between emotional labor and emotional exhaustion. Implications for management practice and suggestions for further research were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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