


A Review and Prospect of Adaptive Selling Behavior


吳孟爵(Meng-Jay Wu);丁學勤(Shueh-Chin Ting)


適應式銷售行為 ; 銷售行為 ; 內容分析 ; 文獻回顧 ; Adaptive Selling Behavior ; Selling Behavior ; Content Analysis ; Literature Review




11卷2期(2013 / 10 / 01)


1 - 28




適應式銷售行為是指銷售員在與同一或不同顧客之間的互動過程,銷售員有機會從銷售情境或顧客特徵得到資訊,而調整實際銷售行動的表現(Weitz,Sujan,and Sujan,1986)。尤其自1980年後,適應式銷售行為的研究成果頗為可觀,在銷售管理的學術與實務面影響深遠。本研究主要為提供適應式銷售行為的歷史脈絡,提升研究豐富性與清晰性,藉由文獻回顧來審視適應式銷售行為的理論途徑、演化歷程、基本假設、本質、構面。蒐集過去國內外55篇研究成果,分為研究概念、研究方法與研究結果等三方面進行內容分析。本研究發現:(1)適應式銷售行為自Spiro and Weitz(1990)提出ADAPTS量表後,研究成果快速成長,且文章主要刊登在JPSSM居多;多數研究採用Weitz et al.(1986)的適應式銷售行為定義居多,而研究主題在理論觀點上則呈現多元化。(2)研究核心主要探討適應式銷售行為的中介機制與過程,讓銷售員的能力或特質可轉化為績效。(3)研究設計以量化且用ADAPTS量表為測量工具之研究居多,將適應式銷售行為視為單一構面;在資料分析上則用SEM進行模式的配適度評估與驗證假說;研究對象橫跨不同產業之銷售員,並採自陳式填答,造成有共同方法變異的問題。(4)多數研究發現適應式銷售行為與銷售績效之間呈現正向顯著關係。本研究最後提出對未來研究的一些建議。


Adaptive selling behavior (ASB) defined as altering sales-related behaviors during a customer interaction or across interactions based upon perceived information about the nature of the selling situation (Weitz, Sujan, and Sujan, 1986) and has long been an important issue and adequate research in the selling management and practice since 1980s. The purpose of this article is to review the development of ASB research and discuss the existing studies for enhancing the richness and clarity of ASB. We review the theory approach, historical evolution, origin, assumption, nature, and content of ASB. We collected fifty-five articles from domestic and international research literature, and used content analysis in three aspects included research concepts, measurement, and results. We found: (1) ASB were rapidly growth after provide by Spiro and Weitz's (1990) ADAPTS scale, and published in majority of JPSSM; moreover, most studies of constructs used Weitz's (1986) definition and diversified from perspectives. (2) Research focused on the process and mechanism of ASB that to enhance performance through the effective functioning of the ability or characteristics of the salesperson. (3) The majority research was quantitative research design and adopted ADAPTS scale as the research instrument and viewed ASB as a single dimension. For the assessment of the overall model fit and verification of hypotheses, SEM was most commonly used to analyze data. Research subjects were chosen from salespersons of different industries. Because they collected data by the self-report way, there was the problem of common method variance. (4) Many empirical studies have found the positive and significant relationship between ASB and sales performance. Finally, the authors outlined directions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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