


Comparative Research on Working Attitudes of Chinese Employee between "Post 80s" Generation and "Pre 80s" Generation: A Perspective of Work Values


陳筱琪(Hsiao-Chi Chen);陳文良(Wei-Liang Chen);李威德(Wei-Te Lee);施仁瑞(Jen-Jui Shih)


「80後」 ; 工作價值觀 ; 工作態度 ; 高科技 ; 中國大陸 ; Post-1980's ; Work Values ; Work Attitudes ; High-Tech Industry ; Mainland China




12卷2期(2014 / 10 / 01)


27 - 50






Offering the advantages of a common language and culture together with cheaper labor costs, China has become the preferred destination for overseas investment among Taiwan's high-tech industries. Currently the post-80s generation dominates the Chinese labor force. However, the work values and working attitudes of this generation differ markedly from those of previous generations. This study uses questionnaires and statistical methods to research the relations between working values and working attitudes among the post-80's generation, and how they differ from previous generations. Research indicates the existence of significant generational differences in working values and attitudes. This research also shows that antecedents which affect working attitudes of the post-80s generation differ markedly from previous generations. Specifically, these differences include: (1) Job satisfaction is positively related to altruism and material rewards in the post-80's generation, whereas in earlier generations job satisfaction is positively related to achievement and negatively related to material rewards. (2) Job involvement is positively related to material rewards associated with working value in the post-80's generation, but no such relationship exists in earlier generations. This study suggests that management staff seeking to effectively manage post-80s employees should be aware of their specific characteristics and personalities, and should adapt their management strategy accordingly. In terms of practical suggestions, management should encourage employees to use teamwork to complete work tasks, and should encourage them not only to help co-workers, but also to contribute to society. Additionally, it is important to provide appropriate incentives and bonuses to encourage employees to exhibit appropriate work values and improve their work attitudes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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