


The Comparison of the Implementation and Reading Progress between Two Remedial Programs on Second Grade Students




陳淑麗(Shu-Li Chen);曾世杰(Shih-Jay Tzeng);張毓仁(Yu-Jen Chang)


攜手計畫 ; 永齡希望小學 ; 補救教學 ; 弱勢低成就學生 ; after school alternative program (ASAP) ; yonglin school of hope ; remedial instruction ; disadvantaged low-achievers




23卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


35 - 74






Issues related to remedial instruction to underachievers have concerned educators, researchers, and policy makers in Taiwan in recent years. The "After School Alternative Program (ASAP)" of Ministry of Education (MOE) and "Yonglin School of Hope" of Yonglin Education Foundation are the representative remedial programs by the public sector (government agents) and private sector (non-profit charity foundation), respectively. The objective of this study is to compare the implementation and effects of these 2 remedial programs. The participants are second graders of the primary schools. Major findings are: (1) the implementation frameworks of the 2 remedial instruction programs are different. From the screening and management of cases, the provision of the remedial material, the training and supervision of the remedial teachers, as well as the assessment of the effects, Yonglin program has built a complete framework and maintained a consistent execution. ASAP has more variation in the implementation because the teachers are free to make their own instructional decisions. Most teachers adopt the materials used in the regular classes as the remedial teaching materials. In- service teachers still emphasize on the homework completion. (2) Yonglin program shows better reading progress than ASAP. The major significant differences between programs are in word recognition and dictation scores; the difference in reading comprehension is not significant. (3) After one year of remedial instruction, the progress of the students in Yonglin program is more significant than that of ASAP in both helping students mitigate difficulties in reading and writing, and match the level of performance of their peers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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