






蔡幸子(Hsin-Tzu Tsai);張鑑如(Chien-Ju Chang);林碧芳(Pi-Fang Lin)


中介效果模型 ; 新住民子女語言發展 ; 新住民 ; 臺灣幼兒發展調查資料庫 ; Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal Study of Child Development and Care (KIT) ; Language development of new immigrant children ; Mediating effect model ; New immigrants




29卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31)


31 - 33+35-37+39-72






Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of the socio-economic status (SES) of new immigrant families in Taiwan on the language development of new immigrant children. The mediating effects of the Chinese language ability of new immigrant mothers and the time spent on parent-child reading were further explored. Design/methodology/approach: The third wave original data (five years old) of the 36-month-old group in the Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal Study of Child Development and Care (KIT) were used in this study. A total of 127 children born between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014, whose primary caregivers were new immigrant mothers, were recruited as the research subjects. Subsequently, the mediating effect model was adopted for the secondary data analysis. Findings/results: 1.The language development of five-year-old new immigrant children was slightly below than that of the children whose parents were from Taiwan. Among the former, the language development of new immigrant children from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao was better than that of the new immigrant children from Southeast Asia. In terms of Chinese language ability, new immigrant mothers generally performed poorly in reading and writing. In particular, Southeast Asian mothers' reading and writing abilities ranged between slightly weak to acceptable and were substantially worse than those of the mothers coming from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao. In terms of parent-child reading, 70% of the immigrant families studied spent time performing this activity. Among them, over 40% of the families engaged in parent-child reading one to three times per week, whereas 30% of them participated in such activities once per week. The average parent-child reading time per week was approximately 32.8 minutes. 2.The Chinese language ability of new immigrant mothers had a complete mediating effect between family SES and the language development of new immigrant children. 3.Similarly, the time spent on parent-child reading had a complete mediating effect between family SES and the language development of new immigrant children. 4.The Chinese language ability of new immigrant mothers significantly influenced the time spent on parent-child reading. In addition, these two factors together had a complete mediating effect between family SES and the language development of new immigrant children. Originality/value: 1.At present, research on the language development of new immigrant children has not reached a consensus. Previous studies indicated that while the language development of new immigrant preschool children was behind that of the children whose parents were from Taiwan, the gap between them narrowed after both the groups of children were enrolled in elementary schools, thus demonstrating the value of school education in children's language development. Since the implementation of the "Free education for five-year-old children" policy by the Ministry of Education in recent years, the school enrollment rate for five-year-old children has reached 96% in Taiwan, indicating the universalization of preschool education. Considering the current high enrollment rate and provision of sufficient educational resources, we investigated the language development of five-year-old immigrant preschoolers. 2.Previous related studies have predominantly analyzed the effect of a single factor, such as family SES, caregiver's speech, and parent-child reading activities on the language development of children. Due to the influence of multiple factors, a mediating effect model was introduced in this study to clarify the impact of different factors on the language development of new immigrant children. Suggestions/implications: At present, family education centers, public libraries, and unofficial immigrant community groups in counties and cities across Taiwan offer new immigrant life adaption and parental empowerment workshops and courses to improve their Chinese language ability and help them adjust to the new environment. The findings of this study specifically indicate that the Chinese language ability of new immigrant mothers as well as the time spent on parent-child reading produced significant effects on the language development of their children. Therefore, this study has clearly shown the feasibility of introducing parent-child reading activities to the existing practical courses for new immigrants to improve the Chinese language ability of both the parents and children coming from new immigrant families.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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