


Students' Motivational Processes and Their Relationship to Teacher Support in School Physical Education: A Self-Determination Theory Approach




蘇美如(Mei-Zu Su);黃英哲(Ying-Che Huang)


基本心理需求 ; 動機 ; 體育課 ; Basic psychological needs ; Motivation ; Physical education




14期(2009 / 05 / 01)


33 - 50




Purpose: To examine the proposed path model of motivational processes described by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985): the influence of the PE teachers' autonomy support, competence support and relatedness support on students' motivation in PE is exerted through the needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, which in turn influenced students' concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks. Questionnaires were used to obtained data. Methods: The participant were 595 higher grades students aged 11-14 years from Taipei County。Results: The adequacy of the models tested was analyzed via SEM using Version 7.0 of the statistical program AMOS. Results of the SEM analysis revealed the model was a good fit to the data, χ^2 (262) = 624.70, p<.001; CN=286; RMR= .05; RMSEA= .05; GFI= .92; AGFI= .90; NFI= .93; CFI= .96, showed that (1) perceived PE teachers' autonomy support and competence support was the predictive variables of autonomy and competence (ß= .51, .46, p<.05); perceived PE teachers' relatedness support was the predictive variables of relatedness and competence (ß = .38, .20, p<.05). (2) autonomy, competence and relatedness can predict selfdetermination motivation, competence was the major predictor (ß = .09, .56, .19, p<.05). (3) self-determination motivation can positively predict concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks (ß = .70, .90, .79, p<.05). (4) the model showed that students who perceived PE teachers' autonomy support, competence support and relatedness support had greater levels of autonomy, competence and relatedness and facilitated self-determination motivation, furthermore experienced concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks. Conclusion: Physical education teachers in teaching should be used to meet the psychological needs of students of teaching methods in order to enhance self-determination motivation, and have a positive cognitive, affective and behavior.


Purpose: To examine the proposed path model of motivational processes described by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985): the influence of the PE teachers' autonomy support, competence support and relatedness support on students' motivation in PE is exerted through the needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, which in turn influenced students' concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks. Questionnaires were used to obtained data. Methods: The participant were 595 higher grades students aged 11-14 years from Taipei County。Results: The adequacy of the models tested was analyzed via SEM using Version 7.0 of the statistical program AMOS. Results of the SEM analysis revealed the model was a good fit to the data, χ^2 (262) = 624.70, p<.001; CN=286; RMR= .05; RMSEA= .05; GFI= .92; AGFI= .90; NFI= .93; CFI= .96, showed that (1) perceived PE teachers' autonomy support and competence support was the predictive variables of autonomy and competence (ß= .51, .46, p<.05); perceived PE teachers' relatedness support was the predictive variables of relatedness and competence (ß = .38, .20, p<.05). (2) autonomy, competence and relatedness can predict selfdetermination motivation, competence was the major predictor (ß = .09, .56, .19, p<.05). (3) self-determination motivation can positively predict concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks (ß = .70, .90, .79, p<.05). (4) the model showed that students who perceived PE teachers' autonomy support, competence support and relatedness support had greater levels of autonomy, competence and relatedness and facilitated self-determination motivation, furthermore experienced concentration, enjoyment and preference for challenging tasks. Conclusion: Physical education teachers in teaching should be used to meet the psychological needs of students of teaching methods in order to enhance self-determination motivation, and have a positive cognitive, affective and behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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