


Secondary School Teachers and students' Perceptions of Teaching Games for Understanding




廖智倩(Chih-Chien Liao);闕月清(Nyit Chin Keh)


知覺 ; 理解式球類教學 ; 體育教師 ; Perception ; Teaching Games for Understanding TGfU ; Physical Education Teacher




22卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 20






Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) was developed by Bunker and Thorpe in 1986. It contributed to physical education teaching in tactical understanding and decision making. The purpose of this study was to examine secondary school teachers and students' perceptions on the TGfU. The study involved 3 secondary school PE teachers and their PE class students. Each teacher planned and taught 12 classes in PE lessons using TGfU approach on badminton. During the period of research, researchers made field notes through observation, and students' learning journals were collected. Both formal and informal interviews with the teachers after class, and students' group interviews were conducted to collect more information. The data were analyzed using constant comparison method. The results indicated that (1) Perception of PE teachers towards TGfU: Teachers found that TGfU was different from traditional teaching in many aspects. TGfU enhanced student thinking, the teaching was very refreshing and challenging. Students could apply what they learned in games and teacher-student interaction was improved. Students had to learn to adapt to TGfU and more time and effort was needed for teachers to implement TGfU. However, teachers could compromise to implement TGfU although there were some limitations. (2) Students' perception towards TGfU: They included the increase in the interactions among students and teachers, fun during class, the understanding of badminton tactics and rules, and badminton techniques improvement. The findings of this study have implications for the promotion of TGfU for teacher education institutions and other related units. It is suggested further study should consider examining other different game sports.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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