


The Emotional Rules of Private Preschool Teachers: A Social-Constructivist Perspective




張純子(Chun-Tzu Chang);洪志成(Chih-Cheng Hung)


私立幼兒園教師 ; 情緒規則 ; 情緒勞務 ; 社會建構 ; Private Preschool Teachers ; Emotional Rule ; Emotional Labor ; Social Construction




23卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


91 - 115




本研究旨在探討幼兒教師教學與人際互動中產生的情緒事件爲焦點,檢視情緒規則的展現,採取社會建構觀點來探析情緒規則形成的連結。研究取向採取質化研究,對象爲三位任職私立幼兒園教師,透過教師撰寫心情日誌、訪談,作爲資料蒐集之主要方法。 研究結果,從幼兒教師面對幼兒、家長、上司、同事四類人際互動過程來揭示,「前臺」及「後臺」情緒規則之運用策略。關於幼兒教師與上司互動情緒規則,顯示不必然馴服威權的可能性,勇於堅守教學想法來抗衡園長權威,是少見相關研究者。最後歸納的議題,形塑幼兒教師情緒規則與社會文化互動產生的連結,分別有:正負向策略的情緒規則、迴避專業主體性的兩難情緒規則、委曲求全的情緒規則、合理抗衡園長權威的情緒規則、同事與幼兒的正面情緒支持。最後,提出建議供幼兒教育工作者、師資培育及後續研究之參考。


By investigating the emotions occurring in the teaching and interactions of preschool teachers, this study aimed to investigate the presence of rules governing emotions and to explore the connections formed by the emotional patterns from the perspective of social construction, a subject upon which qualitative research was conducted. The study surveyed three private kindergarten teachers via their diaries and interviews as the primary methods for data collection. In terms of preschool teachers' personal interactions with pre-school children, parents, superiors and colleagues, the study results revealed the application of the strategy of emotional rules shown in the ”front stage” and ”back stage”. For the interactive pattern between preschool teachers and their superiors, the study showed the possibility of certain teachers not succumbing to authority. Those teachers firmly stick to their teaching ideology in opposition to the authority of kindergarten directors. It is a new finding rarely seen in general studies. For the final inductive issue, the connection between the emotional rules of preschool teachers and interactions with social culture covers the following aspects: the positive and negative strategy of emotional rules, the dilemmatic emotional rule to avert professional subjectivity, the concession emotional rule, the emotional rule to rationally confront the authority of kindergarten directors, and the positive emotional support given to/by colleagues and preschool children. Last, recommendations are provided as a reference for preschool educators, teacher trainers and subsequent researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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