


The Relation among Parents' Education, Cultural Capital, Self-Aspiration, Students' Interesting and Mathematics Achievement




張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)


文化資本 ; 自我抱負 ; 學習興趣 ; 數學成就 ; The Cultural Capital ; Self-Aspiration ; Learning Interesting ; Mathematics Achievement




25卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


29 - 56




本研究以臺灣國二生參加TIMSS 2007年資料探討影響數學成就之因素,在可分析樣本3,289位,以家長教育程度爲自變項,文化資本、自我抱負、學習興趣爲中介變項,以數學成就爲依變項。運用結構方程式模型檢定發現,評估模式適配度指標獲得支持,其結論如下:1.子女雙親的教育程度愈高,家庭文化資本愈豐富;家長教育程度愈高,家庭學習資源較多,自我抱負愈高,數學成就有正向影響。2.文化資本正向影響學生學習興趣,學習興趣正向顯著影響自我抱負;文化資本、學生自我抱負與學習興趣分別對數學成就都有明顯的正向影響。3.影響學生數學成就的中介變項存在,即家長教育程度會透過文化資本、學習興趣正向顯著影響數學成就之外,也透過學生自我抱負正向顯著影響數學成就。


Data from the Trend International Mathematics and Science Survey of 2007 (TIMSS 2007) were used to investigate variables that analyzed the impacted factors on mathematics achievement in grade in Taiwan. There were 3,289 samples in this study. It regarded the parents' education degree as independent variable, the cultural capital, students' self-aspiration, interesting in mathematics as intermediary variables, and students' mathematics achievement as dependent variables. The study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test model and use some index to test, and it found that the model was fitted better. The meaning of model was as followings: 1. Parental education level was high, and they had more the cultural capital. Parents' education degree were high, they had more the learning resources and more self-aspiration. 2. The cultural capital was positively significant on students' interesting in mathematics and self-aspiration was influenced by interesting in mathematics, in addition, cultural capital, self-aspiration and learning interesting in mathematics were significantly influenced on mathematics achievement respectively. 3. The intermediary variables affected mathematics achievement, that meant the parents' education degree could influence on achievement by the cultural capital, besides, it also could influence on achievement by students' self-aspiration and cultural capital respectively.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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