


Effects of Cooperative Learning Teaching Strategy on College Students' Learning Effectiveness and Attitude: An Example of Child Developing Evaluation and Guidance


汪慧玲(Huei-Ling Wang);沈佳生(Chia-Shen Shen)


合作學習 ; 學習成效 ; 學習態度 ; cooperative learning ; learning effectiveness ; learning attitude




27卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


57 - 76






The purpose of this research was to examine how the pedagogy method of cooperative learning influences students' learning effectiveness and attitude of the ”Child Development Evaluation and Guidance” course in college. The experimental design for this study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. Subjects were 67 first grader students from the department of early childhood care and education of college in New Taipei city. The experimental group received the cooperative learning program for four weeks in ”Child Development Evaluation and Guidance” while control group received traditional pedagogy. The instrument of this study was self-designed questionnaire. The descriptive statistics, one way analysis of covariance and two ways analysis of covariance were conducted to analyze the data. The results of this research were as followed: 1) There was significant difference between the pedagogy methods of cooperative learning and the traditional pedagogy method in students' studying achievement test on ”Child Development Evaluation and Guidance;” 2) The pedagogy method of cooperative learning was superior to the traditional pedagogic method. Finally, the researchers proposed several suggestions to administrative office of school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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