


Experiences of School Counselors in Ethical Decision Making




洪莉竹(Li-Chu Hung)


倫理決定 ; 倫理挑戰 ; 組織倫理 ; 諮商倫理 ; 學校輔導 ; ethical challenge ; ethical decision ; counseling ethics ; organization ethics ; school counseling




33卷2期(2011 / 11 / 01)


87 - 107






This research examined the experiences of school counselors in ethical decision- making. Thirty-three school counselors were interviewed and data were collected using the Focus Group technique. The data were analyzed based on the Grounded theory. Results showed that: 1. The ethical challenges confronted by school counselors included protecting client welfare, parental custodial rights and teacher's educational right; maintaining mutual trust in counseling relationship and colleague relationship; and observing law while protecting client welfare. 2. When confronted with ethical issues, the major concerns and responses of school counselors were: (1) Balancing client welfare, ethical codes and counseling relationship with distribution of responsibility; (2)protecting client welfare, ethical code and counseling relationship while maintaining colleague relationship; and (3)common worries about the inability of colleagues to protect client welfare, the inability to undertake responsibility, the need for multiple considerations, basing decisions mainly on experience instead of individual decision-making process, and lack of discussion or communication during the process of decision making. Based on the result, the researcher offer three suggestions for consideration: 1. To develop the codes of ethics for school counseling, 2. To develop ethics courses for school counselors, 3. To encourage dialogue about ethical decision between school counselors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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