


A Historical Review and Vision on Taiwan's Occupational Mental Health Development: Taking Government Policies as the Main Axis




洪瑞斌(Jui-Ping Hung)


員工協助方案 ; 歷史回顧 ; 職場心理健康 ; 職場健康心理學 ; employee assistance programs ; historical review ; occupational health psychology ; occupational mental health




44卷1期(2022 / 05 / 01)


43 - 67




本研究嘗試回顧臺灣職場心理健康領域在實務場域之發展歷史,特別是以政府相關政策面向為主軸,輔以社會環境脈絡為參照。本研究以美國的相關領域,即員工協助方案(Employee assistance programs, EAP)與職場健康心理學之發展歷史作為相關背景,然後再進到臺灣職場心理健康領域之實務界與政策面做回顧與爬梳,結果發現,除去早期缺乏政策引導的零星組織案例外,大約可分為四期,分別為勞工輔導期、導入EAP期、政府積極落實EAP期,以及多面向職場健康促進期等。基於過去歷史之發展,本研究提出未來臺灣職場心理健康領域發展方向包括:專業深化、跨領域合作整合,以及本土化等。透過本研究之回顧可提供相關研究學者、政府部門、實務工作者未來推動職場心理健康之努力方向。


This study attempted to review the history of the development of mental health in Taiwan's workplaces, focusing mainly on the direction of government policies against the backdrop of social context as a reference. This study begins with a brief description of the development history of employee assistance programs and occupational health psychology in the related fields in the United States. Next up, the study segued into the field of mental health in Taiwan's workplace practice and policy aspects to do a review, the findings, excluding some isolated cases without policy guidance in the early period, can be divided into four periods: labor counseling, the implementation of employee assistance programs, the EAP implementation by the government and multi-oriented occupational health promotion. Based on the development of history, this study provides the future development direction of Taiwan's occupational mental health field, including professional deepening, cross - disciplinary cooperation and integration, and localization. It's expected that by taking stock of the historical review in this study, the future direction of mental health in the workplace can be provided for scholars, public sectors, and workers in this regard.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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