


A Study of Integrating Metacognitive Strategy and Pad into Physical Education on the Learning Effectiveness of Table tennis skills




洪祥偉(Shiang-Wei Hung);陳五洲(Wu-Chou Chen)


行動學習 ; 桌球 ; 後設認知策略 ; 動作技能學習 ; 平板電腦 ; mobile learning ; motor skill learning ; Metacognitive Strategy ; table tennis ; Pad




11卷2期(2016 / 11 / 01)


55 - 79




探討平板電腦結合後設認知策略融入體育教學,在國小四年級桌球發平擊球課程中,對學生動作技能表現之影響。方法:採用準實驗研究法。研究對象為臺北市某國小四年級兩個班級學生,共53 人。將兩班隨機分配至一般教學組與科技融入教學組,進行每週兩節課,一節課40 分鐘,共兩週四節課教學。量化資料以主觀技能評量與客觀技能評量進行前、後測資料,以及動作學習後設認知策略問卷,採用獨立樣本t 檢定、相依樣本t 檢定與共變數分析進行統計分析(α=.05),檢驗兩組技能表現與後設認知策略差異情形;質性資料以觀察紀錄、教學省思札記、訪談記錄等加以分析歸納,以了解科技融入教學組學習情形。結果:一、科技融入教學組技能學習過程進步與學習成效皆顯著優於一般教學組;二、科技融入教學組運用「監控」和「修正」的後設認知能力顯著優於一般教學組。結論:平板電腦結合後設認知策略融入體育教學,對提升桌球技能學習有所助益。


Introduction: This study purposed to understand the differences between the conventional teaching methods and the integrating Metacognitive strategy and Pad into physical education on the learning effectiveness of table tennis forehand drive. Methods: Through purposive sampling, two classes (n=53) from an elementary school in Taipei were assigned to one of the two groups (The tradition education (TE) and Tablet plus TV (TTV)) .Each group received one of the two treatments once a week for two weeks. The skill tests will be measured and the Independent-Samples T-test, the Pared T-test and ANCOVA (α=.05) will be used for subjects homogeneity, learning effect and Metacognitive strategy questionnaire for motor learning. The classes' observation through video cameras, reflection teaching notes as well as interview with the students to collect qualitative data. Results: 1. For the Table tennis skills, the learning performance in the TTV was significantly higher than the TE (p < .05). 2. The monitor and correction of Metacognitive strategy in the TTV was significantly higher than the TE. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the integrating Metacognitive strategy and Pad into physical education could help students' develop Table tennis skills.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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