


The relationship between challenge-hindrance stressor, and organizational commitment of travel industry employees-the mediator of burnout




杜佩蘭(Pey-Lan Du);陳錦輝(Chin-Hui Chen);黃毓華(Yu-Hwa Huang);黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);曾榮豐(Jung-Feng Tseng)


挑戰性壓力源 ; 障礙性壓力源 ; 工作倦怠 ; 組織承諾 ; 情感性承諾 ; Challenge stressor ; Hindrance stressor ; Burnout ; Emotional exhaustion ; Organizational Commitment ; Affective commitment




12卷3期(2017 / 09 / 01)


73 - 99






The stressor-strain relationship as a origin of pressure is a core idea in the Job Pressure Model. To clarify the conclusion which uses the viewpoint of a single origin of pressure to construct, and to try to find functions of the origin of pressure in careers, this research distributes the origin of pressure into two different sources, Challenge Stressor and Hindrance Stressor, and examines the relationship between the potentially positive (Organizational Commitment) and negative (burnout) effects of pressure. This research contains 269 samples and bases on employees who work at travel agencies. This research uses psychological isolation to reduce the hazards of the common method of variance(CMV) and the Structural Equation Model to verify the relationship. Basing on the sample data, this research discovered that all pressure is synonymous to tension, and always induces negative mood. Hindrance stressor and Challenge stressor act as partial mediator between Burnout and Organizational Commitment, Burnout can act as a complete mediator between the origins of Challenge stressor and Hindrance stressor. However, compared with Hindrance stressor, Challenge stressor has a potentially positive effect on Organizational Commitment.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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