Purpose: This study purpose was to explore teacher's satisfaction for National Student Dancing Game. Methods: There were 297 teachers (65 males, 230 females and 2 missing value) participated in this study, they took part in the finals of 2008 National Student Dancing Game. Their mean age was 37.68 years old and average take this game was 6.40 years. To use the instrument name Satisfaction for National Student Dancing Game Questionnaire and one item open questionnaire. Result: This study found explored factor analysis demonstrated that 27 items five factors explanted the satisfaction 60.23% variance. Five factors included administration work, judgment, game area service and perform place. The Cronbach α value of the subscales were form .81 to .92. Teachers in overall region had higher scores in game area and perform place than the teachers in north and south region. Teachers participate experience within 5 years had higher scores in perform place than the teachers participate experience beyond 11 years. Teachers of dance and other education background had higher scores in service than teachers of P.E. education background. Office teachers had higher scores in judgment than instruction teachers. Used content analysis for open questionnaire, results demonstrated that the maximum opinions for game area.
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