


Emancipatory Research: The Power Transformation in Disability Research




吳啟誠(Chi-Cheng Wu);張俊紳(Chun-Sheng Chang)


批判理論 ; 社會障礙模式 ; 解放研究 ; 障礙研究 ; critical theory ; disability research ; emancipatory research ; social model of disability




13期(2012 / 12 / 01)


69 - 79






The paper is to introduce emancipatory research which is grounded on critical theory and the social model of disability. It is argued that the meaning of disability is constructed against social, economic as well as cultural conditions in a specific society by mainstream people. Also, societal restriction is seen as the cause inhibiting the participation of people with disabilities in social activities rather than their body's impairments. Therefore, in doing disability research people with disabilities should have control over the research process and their 'disability' experiences are valued as a basis for reducing or eliminating social restriction on them. These relevant threads are embodied into several Taiwanese studies that attempt to enhance self-determination, self-advocacy and life quality of people with disabilities. Furthermore, it is suggested that people with disabilities should have more control over their lives and access to sufficient information for assuring an independent and quality life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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