


From the Development of A" Self-Determination Transition Preparation Scale for High School Students with Disabilities" to Explore the Transition Preparation of Students with Disabilities




阮震亞(Chen-Ya Juan)


轉銜計畫 ; 轉銜量表 ; 內容效度 ; 信度 ; Transition plan ; transition scale ; content validity ; the reliability




31期(2021 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






Transition assessment has been viewed as an important basis of practicing transition plans, but few students with disabilities participate and dominate their own future transition plans. The purpose of this study is to develop a "Transition Preparation Scale for High School Students with Disabilities" and to discuss transition preparation status of high school students with disabilities. The study collects 462 effective questionnaires to conduct reliability and validity tests and used this scale to analyze their transition preparation scores. The results indicate the average score of student's transition preparation is 2.89, as passable. The highest score falls on the desire of getting jobs and human relationship, and the lowest score falls on participating the ITP meeting proactively and disability awareness. In addition, students with learning disabilities obtain highest scores of transition preparation than those with other disabilities, students with illness and hearing impairment obtain the second and third highest scores of all students separately.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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