


Network Governance and Democratic Accountability: A Rational Choice Theory Perspective via Overhead Democracy


陳敦源(Don-yun Chen);簡鈺珒(Yu-chin Chien)


網絡治理 ; 民主課責 ; 監控民主 ; 市場機制 ; 理性選擇理論 ; Network Governance ; Democratic Accountability ; Overhead Democracy ; Market Mechanism ; Rational Choice Theory




21期(2019 / 12 / 01)


119 - 168






In the beginning of the twenty-first century, public administration faced a new wave of resource scarcity and lost its dominating role in public governance. Network governance emerged as the newest trend in the academic as well as practical field. However, it is interesting to note that network governance has been focusing on increasing efficiency rather than democratic accountability. In this theoretical paper, the author argues that network governance, whether efficient in societal solidarity, should be kept within the realm of overhead democracy to ensure the legitimacy of the networking process which lacks inclusion, transparency, and accountability. The key question to be answered in this article is, "how can we achieve good governance to reconcile the top-down overhead democratic accountability with the bottom-up network governing legitimacy?" The author answers three subsequent questions accordingly: What's new about network governance? How do we define the term "network governance"? What are the characteristics of accountable network governance? By using the rational choice theory for analytical purposes, the author reaches the following main conclusions. The government cannot afford to ignore the problem of transparency within network governance. Public servants should utilize their public authority to balance societal independence and democratic accountability. Further research should be evidence-based to satisfy the growing needs of creating both academic and practically sound solutions to social problems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會學
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