


The Analysis of Teaching Ideas in the Stories of Outstanding Teachers at National Taiwan University


郭丁熒(Guo, Ding-Ying);林哲彥(Lin, Jer-Yann)


大學教師 ; 教學理念 ; 教學傑出 ; university teachers ; teaching ideas ; outstanding teaching




50期(2023 / 11 / 01)


1 - 41






The purposes of this study are to explore the teaching ideas of outstanding teachers at National Taiwan University (NTU) and to distinguish the differences in appearance frequency for each dimension of teaching ideas. A series of text publications, The Stories of Outstanding Teachers in National Taiwan University (Vol. 1-14), were analyzed, and a total of 27,210 teaching idea statements were identified. These teaching idea statements were categorized into 224 sub-subcategories and subsequently summarized into 30 subcategories. Integrating the subcategories, this study obtained 6 categories, i.e. teaching objectives, curricula and teaching material, teaching methods, assessment, teacher-student interaction, and teacher role. The frequency distribution and Chi-squared test on the 27,210 statements obtained in this study were further analyzed using SPSS for Windows 21.0 as software. The findings of this study indicate that NTU's outstanding teachers' teaching ideas contained 6 dimensions, i.e. teaching objectives, curricula and teaching material, teaching methods, assessments, teacher-student interaction, and teacher role. Significant differences were found in each dimension of teaching ideas that emphasized students' learning and literacy cultivation, discipline-centered curricula, balanced heuristic didactic and adaptive teaching, diversified assessments, understanding and replying to students, and multiple teacher roles reflecting the trends of education and the characteristics of Chinese culture.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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