


A Study on the Relationship between Teachers' Positive Leadership and Student Learning Performance in Elementary Schools: Teacher ICT-use as a Mediator




劉美鈴(Mei-Ling Liu);謝傳祟(Chuan-Chung Hsieh);翁暄睿(Hsuan-Jui Weng)


正向領導 ; 教師領導 ; 資通訊科技運用 ; 中介變項 ; 學習表現 ; mediator ; positive leadership ; teacher leadership ; ICT-use ; learning performance




11卷3期(2018 / 12 / 01)


83 - 108






Using the questionnaire survey method and employing stratified random sampling, this study aims to investigate the current status of and the interrelationship among elementary school teachers' positive leadership, teacher ICT-use, and students' learning performance. The survey participants are elementary school sixth-graders in Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and Miaoli County. The study issued a total of 801 questionnaires and received 695 back, for a return rate of 94.0%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The result shows that the current status of students' perception of teachers' positive leadership, teacher ICT-use, and students' learning performance are fine. Moreover, there are significant positive correlations among the three variables, and the model's goodness of fit index is acceptable. Teachers' positive leadership also has a significant positive effect on students' learning performance, both directly and indirectly, via ICT-use as a mediator. This study also finds that the direct effect of teachers' positive leadership on students' learning performance is more significant than that of ICT-use as a mediator. Therefore, this study suggests the following. 1. Establish a positive energy network and supportive culture of encouragement to promote the positive relationship and communication among parents, teachers, and students. 2. Make the best use of learning community, incentives, and related activities to enhance teachers' and students' technology integration ability. 3. Employ a variety of interesting teaching methods to enhance students' ability in Mandarin Chinese and Math. 4. In order to flip students' learning performance, teachers should put their positive leadership into practice in classroom management, especially through increasing teacher ICT-use.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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