


The Primary Science Teachers Learn Two Kinds of Inquiry Teaching Methods and Choice Application




盧秀琴(Chow-Chin Lu);劉靜文(Ching-Wen Liu)


探究與實作 ; 探究式教學法 ; PO+E教學法 ; POEST教學法 ; Inquiry-Based Teaching ; Inquiry and Implementation ; PO+E Teaching Method ; POEST Teaching Method




14卷1期(2021 / 04 / 01)


1 - 27






In response to Taiwan's 12-year Basic Education plan, which emphasizes the reform of inquiry and implementation, this study used an "Advanced Entomology Physiology" course to train 14 primary science teachers to study two methods of inquiry teaching, where the teachers observed the learning effectiveness of the two methods, and selected the application they felt met their teaching needs. The nurturing contents included: teaching the theory of entomology and two inquiry-based teaching methods, as well as demonstration teaching, then the primary science teachers selected their preferred teaching method to design teaching and micro-teaching plans. This study used the Micro Teaching Assessment of PO+E (MTAP) and the Teaching Assessment of PO+E, as well as scientific explanations with text scaffolding (MTAPS), to evaluate the micro-teaching plans, and interviewed the participants regarding their thoughts. The results, are as follows. First, four groups selected the PO+E teaching method for micro-teaching, while three groups selected the POEST teaching method for micro-teaching. The assessment results achieved the excellent level, indicating that they could master the inquiry teaching methods. Second, after learning the two inquiry teaching methods, the primary science teachers first arranged their teaching situations and constructed lessons regarding the basic required knowledge, and then encouraged the students to predict the outcomes. The teachers found that they could design inquiry guidelines, as implement experiments, and remind students to correct the wrong reasons for their predictions, as based on the experimental records. Third, some primary science teachers selected the PO+E teaching method because the "science interpretation ability" made it easy to write lesson plans, and the exploration of "scientific theory" in class made the scientific experiments more meaningful. Fourth, primary science teachers selected the POEST teaching method because they could guide lines for students to apply 2 experimental evidence methods to prove their claims and avoid becoming subjective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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