


The Practice of Instructional Leadership in the Kindergartensthe Interaction Between the Teachers' Learning Community and the Teaching Effectiveness




謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh);柳喬馨(Chiao-Hsin Liu);李勁霆(Ching-Tin Lee)


幼兒園 ; 教學領導 ; 專業學習社群 ; 教學效能 ; Preschool ; Instructional Leadership ; Professional Learning Communities ; Teaching Effectiveness




14卷2期(2021 / 08 / 01)


91 - 118






The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of preschool teachers' awareness of the instructional leadership of principals (directors), teachers' professional learning communities and their teaching effectiveness, and to explore the relationship between them. The research methods were literature review and questionnaire survey, and the research subjects were pre-school educators of Taiwan's public preschool. A total of 996 questionnaires were sent out, among which 630 samples were valid with a recovery rate of 84%. After recovered, the questionnaires were analyzed with statistical methods such as confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, product moment correlation and structural equation modeling. The results showed that preschool teachers' awareness of the instructional leadership of the principal (director), teachers' professional learning communities, and teaching effectiveness are good, and are correlated. The positive influence model has good fit. It is found that the teacher's professional learning communities play a full intermediary role between the instructional leadership of the principal (director) and their teaching effectiveness, which means that the instructional leadership of principals (directors) needs to affect teachers' teaching effectiveness through teachers' professional learning communities. This study suggests that preschool principals (directors) make good use of the intermediary role of teachers' professional learning communities and use the instructional leadership to enhance teachers' teaching effectiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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