


Merging Flipped Teaching with Composite PCR Strategies to Improve Students' Course Engagement and Learning Effectiveness




邱華慧(Hua-Huei Chiou)


合作學習 ; 省思 ; 課前自學 ; 學習投入 ; 翻轉教學 ; Cooperative Learning ; Reflection ; Preview ; Learning Engagement ; Flipped Teaching




15卷2期(2022 / 08 / 01)


35 - 64






The purpose of this study is to clarify the possible problems of teaching contents, teaching methods, and assessment methods through a teacher's reflection. The researcher had aimed to develop strategies to improve students' low level of learning engagement and course participation and to further collect data for evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy. During the teaching experience, the researcher found that the proportion of students taking the initiative to watch pre-school films was not high, which affects the implementation effect of the flipped teaching mode in the classroom. In addition, the cooperation effect of the students' homogenous grouping is not ideal. Therefore, in this study the researcher adopted a compound strategy, implementing three steps: Preview, Cooperate, and Reflection. The researcher adjusted the preview videos into interactive teaching materials and used the "1know" flipping teaching platform to check and remind students of pre-school status. The researcher used a heterogeneous grouping method in the course, and all students were asked to write reflection notes. The teacher organized a course response activity with substantive rewards and employed an action research method for data collection and analysis. Participants were 97 students in two classes who had enrolled in a Research Method in Social Science course. Research instruments included an e-learning platform, students' feedback surveys, and examinations. The results show that 1) interactive preview videos with a verification mechanism could improve students' learning involvement and outcomes; 2) small group discussion and course response activities could enhance students' classroom participation and fun; and 3) reflection notes could promote learning engagement and improve outcomes. However, most students still think that the method of self-searching group members is more conducive than heterogeneous grouping for group cooperation and learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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