


The Influence of Military Social Responsibility on Subordinates' Work Engagement and Retention Intention: Based on the Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective




李庭閣(Ting-Ko Lee);費吳琛(Wu-Chen Fei);張鈞復(Chun-Fu Chang)


社會責任 ; 組織認同 ; 工作敬業 ; 留任意願 ; Social Responsibility ; Organizational Identification ; Work Engagement ; Retention Intention




13卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


177 - 200




基於社會認定及利害關係人理論,本研究延伸企業社會責任概念至國軍各單位應盡之社會責任,探討國軍如何擔負社會責任激發部屬的組織認同,進而提升工作敬業度與留任意願。蒐集65個國軍單位,共計318份有效之主管-部屬配對樣本。採用Mplus軟體,以多層次結構方程模型(multilevel structure equation modeling, MSEM)對具有跨層次特性的假設進行統計檢定分析。分析結果顯示:(一)國軍社會責任對於部屬留任意願具有正向影響;(二)組織認同對國軍社會責任與部屬工作敬業(或留任意願)具有跨層次的中介效果。最後,針對上述結果深入討論,並說明管理實務之意涵。


Based on the social identity theory and stakeholder theory, this study explores how military social responsibility motivates subordinates' organizational identification, and thus their work engagement and retention can be promoted. This study extends the concept of corporate social responsibility to each unit of military social responsibility. A total of 318 valid supervisor-employee dual samples were collected from 65 units in the military. Multilevel structure equation modeling (MSEM) was used to analyze all hypotheses with cross-level characteristics by conducting Mplus 8. Results of multilevel data showed that: (1) the military social responsibility has the positive impact on the subordinates' retention intention; (2) or ganizational identification has the mediating effect on the relationship between military social responsibility and subordinates' work engagement (and retention intention). Finally, theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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