


The Influence of the Higher Education Universalization on the Signaling of Diplomas: Theoretical Analysis by Using a Game Model


柯朝斌(Chao-Pin Ko)


訊息不對稱 ; 訊號傳遞 ; 高等教育 ; 教育普及化 ; asymmetric information ; signaling ; higher education ; educational universalization




54卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


107 - 133






In this paper, we investigate how the higher education universalization affects the choice of the first-time job seeker and the employer through the signaling function of diploma. Because of the asymmetric information, the employer can’t understand the first-time job seeker’s ability absolutely before making a contract. Therefore, education is not only a factor to increase labor productivity, but also a signal to communicate the information of worker’s ability to the employer. By building a game model and using parameter simulation, we find that the job seeker with higher ability will overeducate to make the employer can separate higher ability first-time job seekers from lower ability ones when the expansion of higher education makes it easy to acquire a diploma. Once overabundant diploma due to the expansion of higher education universalization makes the employer can not discriminate higher ability candidates from lower ability ones, the employer reduces the salary of social freshman. Such phenomenon induces the equilibrium away from the Pareto optimality and decreases the total social production.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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