


The Development of an Imagination Scale


曹筱玥(Saiau-Yue Tsau);林小慧(Hsiao-Hui Lin)


幻想 ; 創造力 ; 想像力 ; 想像力激發機制 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; fantasy ; creativity ; imagination ; the arousing mechanism of imagination ; confirmatory factor analysis




57卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 37




本研究目的在發展「想像力量表」,視其信度與效度,全量表共包含13題開放式題項。研究者透過項目分析、Cronbach’s α、重測信度、個別項目信度、成分信度、組合信度及驗證性因素分析等統計方法來分析處理實證資料。根據驗證性因素分析結果顯示,實證資料尚且支持Vygotsky之想像力概念理論(Vygotsky’s theoretical conceptions of imagination)暨想像力激發機制(the arousing mechanism of imagination)之「想像力量表」的假設模式,兩者適配尚稱符合。本研究初步發現「想像力量表」可分為「發想力」、「流暢力」、「變通力」,以及「獨創力」四個分量表,而四個分量表分數表徵之一級潛在因素,可以被「想像力量表」解釋的百分比分別為 .46、 .96、 .55、 .20。


This study develops and examines the reliability and validity of an imagination scale (IS) with 13 open-ended items categorized into 4 subscales: initiation, fluency, flexibility, and originality. Item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to determine Cronbach's α, test-retest reliability, individual item reliability, composite reliability, and criterion-related validity of the IS. Second-order confirmatory factor analysis shows that there was an acceptable goodness-of-fit among the IS, Vygotsky's theoretical conceptions of imagination, and the arousing mechanism of imagination. The IS accounted for .46, .96, .55, and .02 of the variance associated with the 4 subscales.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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