


Relationships Among Family Socioeconomic Status, Social Capital, Cultural Capital, Financial Capital, and the Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students With Disabilities




黃瓊儀(Chiung-Yi Huang);吳怡慧(I-Hwey Wu);游錦雲(Ching-Yun Yu)


文化資本 ; 社會資本 ; 特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫 ; 財務資本 ; 學習成果 ; cultural capital ; social capital ; SNELS ; financial capital ; learning outcomes




60卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


129 - 160




本研究主要目的在探討七年級身心障礙學生家庭社經地位、社會資本、文化資本與財務資本對學習成果之影響。本研究使用特殊教育長期追蹤資料庫(Special Needs Education Longitudinal, SNELS)所蒐集的967 位身心障礙學生資料,透過結構方程模式來檢定家庭社經地位對社會資本、文化資本、財務資本與學習成果的直接效果,以及探討家庭社經地位透過社會資本、文化資本與財務資本而影響學習成果之中介效果。研究結果顯示:家庭社經地位對多面向學習成果皆為負向影響,而家庭社經地位對社會資本、文化資本、財務資本皆有正向顯著影響,且透過社會資本、文化資本及財務資本對多面向學習成果有正向顯著的間接效果。針對前述研究結果,提出相關討論與建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among family socioeconomic status (SES), family resources, and students’ learning outcomes. A sample of 967 junior high school students with disabilities was drawn from the surveys of Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study. Based on previous empirical research and theory, the present study developed and verified a causal model of family SES as an exogenous variable and learning outcomes as an endogenous variable by using structural equation modeling. We also evaluated the roles of social capital, cultural capital, and financial capital as mediating variables. The findings showed that SES negatively affected learning outcomes but positively affected social capital, cultural capital, and financial capital. Social capital, cultural capital, and financial capital had significant mediating effects on the relationship between family SES and learning outcomes. This study proposes relevant suggestions based on the findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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