


Assistive Technologies Experiences of Severe Visual Impairments during Their Postgraduate Studies




劉珍華(Jen-Hua Liou);黃國晏(Kuo-Yen Huang);鄭靜瑩(Ching-Ying Cheng)


輔助科技 ; 重度視障者 ; 博碩課業 ; severe visual impairments ; assistive technology ; Doctor and Master Degree




6期(2013 / 12 / 19)


45 - 65






The purpose of the study was to investigate the experiences of using assistive technology between individuals with severe visual impairments during their postgraduate studies. All data was collected by using an semi-structured questionnaire and processing in-depth interview, in other words, qualitative research was utilized in this study. All the interviewees in this study were severe visual impairments who have or had studied for their doctor's or master's degrees in Taiwan or studied abroad from 2001 to 2010. The findings were as follows: 1. The experiences of using AT devices including visual, auditory and tactual interfaces; the auditory interfaces had the highest utilizative rate for all the interviewees, in sequence were tactual and visual ones, visual AT ranked the last as a result of visual disabilities. 2. According to the opinions of all interviewees, the experiences of AT services could focuse on six aspects: (1) availability of devices, (2) AT evaluation, (3) AT maintenance, (4) training to use AT, (5) AT ownership, and (6) availability of AT information. Finally, concrete suggestions were made according to this results of this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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