


A Study on the Relationship between Elementary School Principal's Emotional Labor and Teachers' Sense of Belongingness: taking the Organizational Trust as the Mediator




謝傳崇(HSIEH, Chuan-Chung);吳麗珠(WU, Li-Chu)


情緒勞務 ; 組織信任 ; 歸屬感 ; emotional labor ; organizational trust ; sense of belongingness




34期(2016 / 12 / 01)


57 - 89






A Principal's emotional labor is an important influential factor of the teacher's sense of belongingness. By taking the organizational trust as the mediator, this study aims to investigate the relationship between principals' emotional labor and teacher's sense of belongingness. This study first uses a questionnaire survey and then uses a structural equation modeling to test the modal fit. The findings indicate that there are medium and high performances in the relationship between elementary school teachers' perception of principal's emotional labor, organizational trust and teachers' sense of belongingness. There is a significant positive correlation among this threesome, that is, the principal's emotional labor can be taken to predict teachers' sense of belongingness and the organizational trust has the full mediating effect between the principal's emotional labor and teachers' sense of belongingness. This study suggests the principal uses emotional labor properly to enhance the organizational trust and, through this way, to help teachers establish their selfidentity and self-esteem to enforce their sense of belongingness and make them willing to commit to education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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