


Response to Intervention: The Implication and Application to the Special Education in Taiwan




洪儷瑜(Li-Yu Hung);何淑玫(Shu-Mei Ho)


介入反應 ; 學障 ; 融合教育 ; 三級預防 ; 多層次介入 ; response to intervention ; learning disabilities ; inclusive education ; three-tier prevention ; multiple-tier intervention ; Taiwan




115期(2010 / 06 / 01)


1 - 13






Since 「Response to Intervention (RTI)」 commanded by the IDEA 2004 in USA caused wide attention in Taiwan, the article introduces to the background issues about RTI before the concept and implementation of RTI from the literature: the impact of inclusive education, application of the tertiary preventive model, the evidence-based intervention, and the problems of definition and identification of learning disabilities. Two key components of implementing RIT are discussed: the models of pre-referral intervention and the methods to decide the response of intervention. Then, the implication and application of RTI in Taiwan are discussed and further suggestions for special education in Taiwan are made. At last, to close up the gap between regular education and special education and the cooperation between both are expected in the near future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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