


Oral Narrative Performance of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder




李穎安(Ying-An Lee)


自閉症 ; 注意力缺陷過動症 ; 口語敘事 ; 相關認知因素 ; ASD ; ADHD ; oral narrative ; related cognitive factors




158期(2021 / 03 / 01)


37 - 48




兒童自兩歲以後逐漸發展口語敘事能力,作為人際互動、知識建構之重要媒介。DSM5更將互動中的故事敘說能力作為社會(語用)溝通障礙(social 〔pragmatic〕communication disorder)的診斷指標之一,突顯口語敘事之重要性。其中經常在教學場域進行的說故事活動,是涉及多重認知成分和語言能力之綜合表現。因此許多研究指出敘事具有獨特之評估意義。由於自閉症、注意力不足缺陷過動症特質之兒童盛行率高,其中不乏有認知和語言能力在正常範圍者,值得以涵蓋多向度之敘事觀點探究。本研究藉由文獻回顧統整該診斷類別之特殊兒童的口語敘事表現,以及探討相關認知因素,期望能對實務工作者提供介入之參考,以及建議未來研究方向。


Children's oral narrative competence is a significant medium to interact with people and construct their knowledge in the social world. Since 2013, DSM5 has proposed "following rules for storytelling" as one of the clinical indicators diagnosed as social (pragmatic) communication disorder, which further stress the importance of oral narrative. Storytelling is a form of oral narrative involving lots of cognitive components and every aspect of language ability, which represents a comprehensive performance. In light of the high prevalence of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), previous studies have investigated their storytelling performance especially for whose standardized test scores are within normal range. The purpose of the study was to point out the deficit in narrative performance of those children with special needs and discuss the related factors. It is expected to provide suggestions for future studies and clinical work in which children's narrative performance is evaluated and intervened.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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