


A Narrative Research on Ethical Judgment Process of Counseling Psychologists at Elementary Schools When Facing Confidentiality Issues


謝明瑾(Ming-chin Hsieh);王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang)


保密議題 ; 倫理衝突 ; 倫理判斷 ; 國民小學 ; 諮商心理師 ; confidentiality ; ethical conflicts ; ethical judgment ; elementary school ; counselor




4卷1期(2016 / 09 / 01)


17 - 43






The purpose of this study aimed to investigate the experiences of counseling psychologists in elementary schools with ethical dilemmas of confidentiality issues as well as understand their ethical judgement when facing confidentiality issues of minor clients and the impacts of the encountered dilemmas. In depth interviews were conducted to three counseling psychologists working in elementary schools with such experiences. The interview transcripts were analyzed and interpreted using narrative approach which included holistic-content and categorical-content analysis. Results indicated that when facing ethical dilemmas, counselors must first learn about the situation and consider attainable options to make a better decision and then take actions based on the decision. The results of their actions will affect the counselor's thoughts and feelings or they handle next ethical dilemma. In addition, after the incident, counselors need to adjust themselves in order to deal with next challenges. Generally speaking, there are three stages in the ethical conflict and coping process: the ethical conflict stage, the ethical judgment stage, and the impacts and adjustments stage. Based on the findings, an ethical judgment process model, contributions, limitations, and recommendations are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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