


Ethical Issues and Strategies for Cross-professional Collaboration between Counseling Psychologists and School Counseling Administrators --The Example of School-based Counseling Psychologists' Services in Taipei


杜淑芬(Tu, Su-Fen);王麗斐(Wang, Li-fei)


倫理困境 ; 跨專業合作 ; 諮商心理師 ; 學校輔導 ; 駐區心理師服務 ; ethical dilemmas ; cross-professional cooperation ; counseling psychologist ; school counseling ; school-based counseling service




4卷1期(2016 / 09 / 01)


63 - 86






This study aimed to explore the perspectives of school counseling administrators and counseling psychologists providing services in elementary schools regarding the ethical issues occurring in their collaborations. Also, collaborative mechanisms and strategies for school-based counseling psychologists in addressingtheseethical dilemmas were examined. The exploratory qualitative research approach was used in analyzing data collected via the focus group method. Five focus groups were conducted, including two groups of school counseling administrators, two groups of counseling psychologists, and one group of experts.Participants included 15 counseling psychologists and 13 school counseling administrators. The average age of counseling psychologists was39.08, and their average year of providing school-based counseling services was 3.29. For the school counseling administers, their average age was 44.40 and average years of serving in counseling office was 4.70 years. The data was analyzed followingthe steps (i.e., open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) of grounded research. Results indicated that counseling psychologists were concerned about four major ethical themes, including confidentiality, information sharing for child clients, legal and mandatory report issues, parental consent and informed consent of child clients, and storage and retrieval of counseling records. For the school counseling administers, the identified themes included counseling confidentiality and child clients’ information sharing, consent to counseling for crisis cases and special situations, and the retrieval of counseling records. Discussions and suggestions are made in the following areas: the balances between information sharing and confidentiality, difficulties and coping strategies for cross-professional collaboration and counseling ethics in educational settings, and the scope of work for school-based counseling psychologists.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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