


"I" vs. "They"? The research on civil competence of low socio-economics status junior high school students




李逢堅(Feng Chien Lee)


公民素養 ; 公民課堂 ; 國中生 ; 第三空間理論 ; civil competence ; social studies class ; junior high school students ; third space theory




26期(2021 / 09 / 01)


37 - 81






Two research proposes are as follows. First, the disadvantageous salience of civil competence among low socio-economics junior high school students. Second, the gaps which fall students from achieving instruction objects after the discussion class in social studies on public issues. The research subjects are from an 8th grade social studies class of the school which locates in low social economics school district. Research methods are non-participatory observation and individual in-depth interview. Research analysis are two according to research purposes respectfully. First, analysis responses to public issues in cognition and interest. Second, analysis by two dimensions of "explore" and "commitment" after a discussion class on presidential election. Most students show details in content of and self-related issues. Students expressing the impact of issues and content values show their opinions and best ability of expression. Students showing content interest and plot development have the ability of expression in the second place. Students showing narrowed selves and empty concept or details do not know what to think and express. They keep distance from public issues. These students are most challenging in the class. Insufficient content knowledge, strange to academic concepts fall students in connecting to issues. Furthermore, the controversial issues make these confusing students resist public issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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