


Critical Discourse Analysis for Social Studies Textbooks: A Methodological Reconstruction




王雅玄(Ya-Hsuan Wang)


批判論述分析 ; 社會領域教科書分析 ; 方法論 ; critical discourse analysis ; social studies textbook analysis ; methodology




51:2期(2005 / 06 / 30)


67 - 97






There is virtually no methodology for social studies textbook analysis. Critically reviewing the methods used in examining social studies textbooks, the author argues that Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) can serve as a critical methodology for textbook analysis by focusing on the complexity of the politics of textbooks and the submerged ideologies behind the texts. Based on the theory of CDA, the author works out an analytical framework for examining textbooks that comprises three stages: epistemological selection, methodological processing, and discourse induction. The goal is to answer the following questions: (1) How are persons in the social studies textbook named and referred to linguistically? (2) What traits, characteristics, qualities and features are attributed to them? (3) By means of what arguments and argumentation schemes do specific persons or social groups try to justify and legitimize the exclusion, discrimination, suppression and exploitation of others? (4) From what perspective are these acts of naming, these attributions and arguments expressed? (5) Are the discriminating utterances articulated overtly? To what degree are they intensified or mitigated?

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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