


The Performance, Weaving, and Co-construction of Life: Atayal Children's Personal Narratives




蔡敏玲(Min-Ling Tasi)


幼兒敘說 ; 泰雅文化 ; 經驗再現 ; 敘說風格 ; children's narratives ; Atayal culture ; the representation of experiences ; narrative styles




55:4期(2009 / 12 / 31)


29 - 64






The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of young Atayal children's personal narratives, to attempt to discuss the relationship between such narratives and Atayal culture, and to ponder upon the educational implication of the narrative styles found. The author collected personal narratives in a kindergarten classroom situated in an Atayal village in northern Taiwan for two years. Adopting stanza analysis and literary text analysis, the author analyzed 218 narrative texts collected in the first year and 161 narrative texts collected in the second year. The result shows these children regard sharing experiences as a performance that is impromptu in nature, and carefully attend to the participation of the audience. The characteristics of these narratives include: frequent use of dialogues, integration of realistic and imaginary plots, including the audiences as characters in the narratives, co-construction of narratives with the audience, and the frequent mention of natural scenes. The themes and the characteristics of the narratives are in congruence with the essential element of Atayal culture-self being defined in social interaction and communities. The author suggests that multiple narrative styles should be valued; moreover, the personal narratives of young children experienced in kindergarten classrooms should be included as the base of curriculum development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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