


Discrepancies Between Educational Technology and Educational Practices: A Reflection




徐式寬(Shihkuan Hsu)


成效評估 ; 教育科技 ; 教育實踐 ; 資訊融入教學 ; 學校與教師 ; evaluation ; educational technology ; educational practice ; ICT integration ; schools and teachers




35卷2期(2018 / 12 / 31)


71 - 103






There are often great expectations from educational technology to improve education. After decades of investment and study, it is important to examine the impact of technology on educational practice. This article attempts to explore the practice of educational technology in recent years in Taiwan from the perspective of users, such as schools and teachers, rather than researchers. The findings revealed that the design and implementation of educational technology often overlook or underestimate the complexity of the work required by users, which includes difficulty of integration, the influence of culture, student's uneven ability level, and the misplacement of educational technology development purposes. It is therefore recommended that researchers adopt methods that may be closer to the users, such as anthropological or phenomenal studies, which may yield results more in line with user perspectives and identify critical problems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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