


Influence of Dynamic Changes in Subject Supplementary Education on Ethnic Gap in Learning Achievement: A Case of Elementary School Students in Pingtung County




林俊瑩(Chunn-Ying Lin)


追蹤普查 ; 動態變化 ; 潛在成長模式分析 ; 學科補習 ; 學習族群落差 ; dynamic changes ; ethnic gap in learning achievement ; follow-up general survey ; latent growth curve modeling ; subject supplementary education




12卷4期(2016 / 12 / 31)


23 - 55




學科補習向來被認為是很重要的課後教育資源,因此就有不少研究者關注於學科補習對族群學習落差的影響。不過,學科補習資源的多寡,除了與家庭社經地位有關外,還會隨著時間而變動,因此其持續動態的變化對不同族群學生學習成就落差的影響更值得探究。基於上述,本研究運用屏東教育長期追蹤資料庫的小學生與家長三年固定樣本追蹤普查(N = 8,960),並採用潛在成長模式進行學科補習(包括時間與花費)對學習成就族群落差的動態影響分析。研究發現:一開始接受學科補習量越多的學生,往後參與補習量並沒有增加愈快的趨勢,兩者反而呈現負相關。其次,初始補習參與量對日後學習表現的影響不顯著,有顯著正影響的是補習參與量的增長趨勢。另外,原住民,或是母親為東南亞國籍之學生,起始成績差,而學科補習量增長相對較少,使其後續學習表現明顯較差。最後,母親具中國籍身分的新住民學生,學科補習供給量增加趨勢,乃至於後續的學習成就均未呈現劣勢。


Subject supplementary education has always been regarded as a very important after school educational resource. Thus, many researchers consider the influence of subject supplementary education on the ethnic learning gap. However, the number of subject supplementary educational resources is not only associated with families' socioeconomic status, but also varies over times. Therefore, the influence of continuous dynamic changes on the learning achievements of students of different populations is worthy of investigation. Given the lack of studies that can provide answers to this issue, this study used the 3-year follow-up general survey on elementary school students and parents (N = 8,960) from Pingtung Education Longitudinal Survey (PELS), and applied latent growth curve modeling to analyze the dynamic influence of subject supplementary education (including time and cost) on the ethnic gap in learning achievements at multiple time points. The research findings show that: firstly, the subsequent amount of supplementary education received by students who had received a larger amount of initial subject supplementary education did not rapidly increase with the amount of the initial subject supplementary education. Moreover, while the amount of initial supplementary education did not have a significant influence on future learning performance, it has a significantly positive influence on the increased amount of supplementary education. Furthermore, the initial learning performance of students who are aboriginals or whose mothers are from the Southeast Asian countries was poor, and the increase in their amount of subject supplementary education was relatively small compared with that of their counterparts, as well as their future learning performance was significantly much poorer. Finally, neither the increased amount of subject supplementary education of new immigrant students whose mothers are from Mainland China, nor their future learning performance, showed inferiority.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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