


A Study on Learning Cultural Capital of Disadvantaged Students during the Summer Vacation in Urban Elementary Schools in Taiwan




林信志(Hsin-Chih Lin);簡瑋成(Wei-Cheng Chien)


文化資本 ; 夏季失落 ; 弱勢者教育 ; 教育公平 ; cultural capital ; summer loss ; education for the disadvantaged ; educational equity




15卷3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


23 - 58






In Taiwan, disadvantaged student policies mostly focus on r rural areas, and have little interest in disadvantaged students during summer vacation in urban elementary schools. Accordingly, the researcher intends to explore the fairness of learning cultural capital of disadvantaged students in urban elementary schools. This study will discuss the acquisition of learning resources in different regions during summer vacation in urban elementary schools, and the differences in learning cultural capital of disadvantaged students in different regions. This study adopts questionnaire survey. Important research findings as follows: 1. Summer learning resources are clearly not evenly distributed in urban elementary schools. 2. The proportion of disadvantaged students participating in school summer activities is higher than that of general students, and just the opposite in off-campus summer activities. 3. There are significant differences in learning cultural capital during summer vacation among the disadvantaged students in different regions. Remote school students have the most advantage, but students in township and metropolitan schools become relatively unfavorable. This study focuses on frequently overlooked issues of disadvantaged students in urban elementary schools and summer loss. The empirical study shows that learning cultural capital of disadvantaged students during summer vacation is too concentrated in remote areas, and disadvantaged students in township and metropolitan schools have become more unfavorable. We point out the inequality of education of urban disadvantaged children, which is being ignored by education policy. We made recommendations according to the results of this study, and they deserve more implications for educational policy for the disadvantaged.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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