


Intention to Leave and Practice Performance: A Case Study on Division Ⅱ Swimming Athletes




賴姍姍(San-San Lai)


運動員滿意度 ; 團隊支持 ; 團隊承諾 ; 團隊凝聚力 ; 離隊傾向 ; 練習表現 ; athletes' satisfaction ; team supportiveness ; team commitment ; team cohesion ; intention to leave ; practice performance




6卷2期(2004 / 06 / 01)


119 - 130




本研究目的在探討運動員滿意度與團隊支持是否影響校隊選手所屬代表隊的團隊承諾、團隊凝聚力、離隊傾向與練習表現,以建立一個有助於大專乙組游泳團隊管理之結構模式。本研究以91年全國大專運動會游泳選手為研究對象,總計發出問卷647份,回收有效問卷363份,回收率為56.1%;以運動員滿意度量表、團隊支持量表、團隊承諾量表、團隊凝聚力量表、離隊傾向量表與練習表現量表為工具,所得資料經過LISREL 8.50統計分析發現:一、運動員滿意度對團隊承諾與團隊凝聚力有顯著的影響力,但與離隊傾向和練習表現之間的關係並不顯著。二、團隊支持僅能有效的預測團隊承諾。最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議以提供校隊指導老師或教練未來在團隊管理及研究發展之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investiage wheather athletes' satisfaction and team supportiveness influence team commitment, team cohesion, intention to leave and practice performance so as to establish a structural model that is benefitial to group mangemant for swimming teams specifically in Divison Ⅱ insititutions. The subjects of this study were divisionⅡswimming athletes participating in the Annual University Athletic Meeting in 2002. Six hundred and fourty-seven questionnaires were distributed and three hundred and sixty-three were valid responses with a 56.1 percent of return rate. Instruments of this study were the athletes' satisfaction scale, the team support scale, the team commitment scale, the group environmental questionnaire, the intention to leave scale and the practice performance scale. By administrating the LISREL 8.50, this study found: 1. althelets' satisfaction was positively related to team commitment and team cohesion while its relationships with intention to leave and practice performance were not significant; 2. team supportiveness exclusively predicted team commitment. Based on the findings, suggestions were proposed to provide information concerning team management and future research development for swimming team teachers and coaches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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