


The Study of CAI in Functional Vocabulary Learning for Elementary School Students with Mental Retardation




鄧秀芸(Hsiu-Yun Teng);楊熾康(Chih-Kang Yang)


電腦輔助教學 ; 智能障礙兒童 ; 功能性詞彙 ; Computer Assisted Instruction ; mentally retarded students ; functional vocabulary




16期(2003 / 06 / 01)


269 - 297




本研究之主旨在探討電腦輔助教學對智能障礙兒童功能性詞彙的識字成效。 本研究採用單一受試研究法之逐變標準設計(the changing criterion design)。以研究者自行設計之電腦輔助教學方案,分三個階段進行實驗教學,每階段的達成目標,以識字率必須達正確率百分之八十以上始可進行下一階段的學習。本研究對象是以台灣東部二名資源班智能障礙兒童為研究樣本。二名受試者先個別接受三次以上學習前測驗,再接受每星期四天,每天四十分鐘之電腦輔助教學,持續四周後再接受學習後測和隔周的學習保留測驗三次。 本研究獲得以下六點結論: 1.利用互動式測驗評量學習系統U3之電腦輔助教學對智能障礙兒童功能性詞彙的習得,有顯著的成效。 2.功能性詞彙的選擇,以智能障礙兒童所熟悉之日常生活為標的,的確可以提昇學習和類化能力。 3.電腦輔助教學之教材內容設計,應以智能障礙兒童的既有經驗和具體事物為主,由淺而深,循序漸進。 4.電腦輔助教學之教材內容設計,可以考慮增加社會性溝通語言的詞彙,以避免單調。 5.在教學上可以考慮採用傳統教學與電腦輔助教學合併進行。 6.教材內容,以情境式編排,的確能提昇學習效果。


The purposes of the study were to examine the effectiveness on the CAI in functional vocabulary learning for elementary school students with mental retardation. This study used the changing criterion design of the single subject experimental design. The learning experiment of the study included three CAI learning phases which included five functional vocabularies in each phase. If the selected vocabularies correction rate of the each phase reached 80%, the student could move to next phase. Two students with mental retardation were selected from the resource classroom in the east of Taiwan. Each of them took the pre-tests more than three times individually. Each student was taught by the researcher using CAI learning material in the length of forty minutes a day, four days a week. The post-tests were given after four weeks of the learning experiment. These extra tests were conducted three times for every two weeks in order to examine the learning rate of retention. Based on the results of the study finding, the main conclusions of the study are: 1.The CAI learning by using the U3 system (which is a CAI design tool for special needs) is more effectively for the mentally retarded students to learn functional vocabulary. 2.The selection of the functional vocabulary to teach the mentally retarded students in the ecological environment could facilitate the students' learning and generalization abilities. 3.The content of CAI materials should be based on the prior experience of the mentally retarded students as well as the concrete objectives from simple to difficult. 4.To avoid the boringness, the content of CAI design could add more social communicative language in order to increase the student interaction. 5.Traditional teaching and CAI could be used simultaneously in order to increase the learning efficiency. 6.The learning content that used the situational design could be useful based on the researcher's finding.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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