


Research on School Factors Affecting Vocational High School Students Being Bullied-a Comparison between Disabled Studentsand Regular Students


黃開成(Huang, Kai-Cheng)


高職 ; 身心障礙生受凌學校因素 ; vocational high school ; disabledstudents ; being bullied ; school factors




21卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


100 - 138






The research aims to study a less explored issue in the school bullying -disabledstudents being bullied. The subjects are students from a vocational high school in New Taipei City. The study explores whether disabledstudentshold a higher tendency to bebulliedthan regular students. It also investigates which background factors affect the bullying and through which intervening variables (school factors) these background factors influence being bullied. Regression Analysis is adopted and the findings areas follows: (1) It shows no significant differences in the frequency of being bullied between disabledstudentsand regular students. (2) The family income, one of the background factors, holds positive correlation with being bullied. The higher the students'family income is, the morefrequently they are bullied. (3) How intervening variables - school factors affect the dependent variable of being bullied indicates that the higher education the students'fathers receive, the less strict the class atmosphere is and thus the less frequently the students are bullied. Besides, compared with boy students, girl students tend to show more care and interaction with their peers and they also achieve higher academic performance, leading to lower frequency of being bullied.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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