


Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Application of Wearable Device for Golf




林麗娟(Li-Chuan, Lin);陳宏銘(Hung-Ming, Chen);陳柏青(Bo-Ching, Chen)


高爾夫球車 ; 智慧手環 ; 智慧手錶 ; 科技接受模型 ; TAM ; Golf Cart ; Smart Bracelet ; Smartwatch ; Technology Acceptance Model ; TAM




53卷2期(2021 / 10 / 01)


1 - 25




問題背景:運動穿戴式裝置產業進步,創新技術推陳出新,在各運動領域中應用越來越多元;新的科技產品或技術導入運動領域時,運動參與者或相關運動服務業人員對該產品的接受度是否達到預期?並願意繼續使用該產品?以上均是研發運動科技產品須考量的因素。研究目的:探討高爾夫運動之參與者( 球友及桿弟) 使用穿戴式裝置之歷程、使用現況及面臨之問題。方法:本研究主要採個案研究法以Davis、Bagozzi與Warshaw(1989)的科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)理論為基礎設計訪談大綱,邀請5位球齡3至32年、每月至少下場1次的球友及2位年資分別為15年與30年的資深桿弟,進行半結構質性訪談。結果與結論:(一)影響球友與桿弟使用穿戴式裝置態度的因素除了TAM理論中的「易用性」與「有用性」外,本研究拓建以下影響因素:「穿戴式裝置的價格」、「球友技術水平」、「球場環境的熟悉度」、「新鮮有趣」。(二)高爾夫初學者對穿戴裝置態度是正向的,然而隨著自己的技術提升、逐漸熟悉場地之後,其使用態度、使用意願與使用頻率都會逐漸下降;除非日後到了不熟悉的球場、語言不通或有重要比賽時,才會考慮再使用穿戴式裝置。(三)球友們對桿弟使用智慧球車 (球車搭載安裝Golface智慧系統APP的iPad)所提供的相關服務,大都保持正向的態度,桿弟亦可藉此提升服務品質、降低出錯機率、避免被客訴,並減輕工作量。(四)目前穿戴式裝置實務上所面臨到的困境,除了售價偏高外,大部分的穿戴式裝置技術上都無法做到果嶺推桿輔助功能,造成球上了果嶺後,穿戴式裝置就陷入無用武之窘境。最後依據研究成果提出理論及實務上相關建議。


Background: As the sports wearable device industry advances, new innovative technologies are being introduced and their applications in various sports fields are becoming more and more diversified. When new technological products or technologies are introduced into the sports field, does the acceptance of the products by sports participants or those providing related sports services meet the expectations? Are they willing to continue using the product? This is a factor to be considered in the development of sports technology. Purpose: To explore the history, current situation and problems faced by golf players (golfers and caddies) in using wearable devices. Methods: The study adopted a case study approach based on Davis, Bagozzi, & Warshaw (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory, including: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention to use and technology usage. A semi-structured interview was conducted with five golfers with 3 to 32 years of playing experience, who played at least once a month, and two senior caddies with 15 and 30 years of service experience. Results and Conclusion: (a) In addition to "ease of use" and "usefulness" in TAM theory, the following factors were identified as influencing the attitude of golfers and caddies towards the use of wearable devices: "price of wearable devices", "skill level of golfers", "familiarity with the course environment", and "novelty and fun". (b) Golf beginners have positive attitudes toward wearable devices, but as their skills improve and they become more familiar with the venue, their attitudes, intention to use and frequency of use will gradually decline.; unless they are on an unfamiliar course, have a language barrier or are in an important game, then they will consider using a wearable device again. (c) The golfers are mostly positive about the services provided by caddies using the golf cart with the wearable device (iPad with Golface smart system app), which allows the golfers to improve the quality of service, reduce the chance of errors, avoid customer complaints, and reduce workload. (d) At present, the dilemma faced by the wearable devices in practice is that, besides the high price, most of the wearable devices are technically unable to achieve the green putting assistance function, causing the wearable devices to be useless after the ball is on the green. Finally, we proposed theoretical and practical suggestions based on the research results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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