


A Study of the Emotional Intelligence, Depression and Emotional Regulation of Senior and Vocational High School Students




王春展(Chun-Chan Wang)


高中職生 ; 情緒智慧 ; 憂鬱傾向 ; 情緒調整 ; Senior/vocational high school student ; Emotional intelligence ; Depression ; Emotional regulation




32期(2006 / 12 / 01)


484 - 507






The study measured 3470 valid students of 14 senior and vocational high schools in Taiwan with cross-sectional method and cluster sampling. The results indicated as follows: 1.the emotional intelligence of senior and vocational high school students in Taiwan were above average level, and the variables such as gender, ownership, school type and depression degree reached the significant difference except grade. 2. the depression degree was not low, 33.2% students were obvious depressive, and the variables such as gender and emotional intelligence type reached the significant difference. 3. emotional intelligence and the depression degree revealed a significantly negative correlation, especially the self emotional intelligence were the significant predictor. 4. the status of emotional regulation were in the following--the main cause to make subjects have good mood was interpersonal relationship, they tended to share with other persons while having good mood, the main causes to make subjects have bad mood were academy and interpersonal relationship, they tended to shift their own thinking while having bad mood, the main methods to better own mood were to relax themselves and to seek other person's support, they tended to deal with own bad mood alone, they tended to choose friends to better their mood, the main methods to better other's mood were to offer support and to relax them, they pointed the best methods to better one's mood were to relax and to offer support; moreover, the gender variable reached the significant difference on all above issues of emotional regulation. The study also suggested six suggestions about practical service and further research.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
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