


Examining the Effects of Positive Group Affective Tone, Service Climate and Employee Displayed Positive Emotions on Customer Purchase Decision




紀乃文(Nai-Wen Chi);陳建丞(Chien-Cheng Chen)


團隊情感氛圍 ; 服務氣候 ; 情緒表達 ; 顧客購買決策 ; group affective tone ; service climate ; displayed positive emotions ; purchase decision




4卷1期(2011 / 02 / 01)


129 - 162






Extending previous research in displayed positive emotions literature, the present study examined whether positive affective tone and service climate correlated positively with employee displayed positive emotions, and whether such positive emotional displays influenced customer purchase decision. Data were collected from 155 employees and 74 customers in 74 retail stores in Taiwan. Results indicated that positive affective tone was positively related to employees' displayed positive emotions, which in turn increase the likelihood of their purchase decisions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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